Context Options

When loading a component some options might be provided, some of which are available for all components, some others are custom options that can be implemented by the component for its own purpose.

In either case, these options (context options), can be passed adding the attribute z-options to the component's host element.

The value of the z-options attribute can be the name of a variable in the global scope with the value of a JSON object implementing one or more option fields described in the ContextOptions API. The value can also be an inline JSON object, like in the following example where the model and on option-fields are used to set the component's data model and event handlers for component emitted events:

<div z-options="{model: testData, on: testEventHandlers}">

    <strong #title></strong>
    <p #text></p>


    testData = {
        title: 'Test',
        text: 'Just testing component options'

    testEventHandlers = {
        'pointerdown': (e, el, $el) => $el.addClass('highlight'),
        'pointerup': (e, el, $el) => $el.removeClass('highlight')


Just testing component options

For convenience, next to the z-options attribute, also a few more attributes are available as shortcuts to directly address most commonly used option fields:

HTTML AttributeContextOptions fielddescription
z-contextcontextIdAssigns an identifier name to the loaded component
z-ononSets component's events handlers
z-behaviorbehaviorSets component's behaviors handlers
z-modelmodelSets the data model
z-usingusingComma separated contexts' id list of components used in this context
z-priorityprioritySets the loading priority
z-lazylazyLoadEnables or disables lazy-loading

So, using shortcuts, the z-options attribute in the previous example can be replaced by:

<div z-model="testData"

    <!-- ... -->


The generic option setter ":"

Using the generic option setter : it's possible to address and assign a value to any given option field.
So, the previous example can be written also like this:

<div :model:title=" 'Test' "
     :model:text=" 'Just testing component options' "

    <!-- ... -->


While z-* attributes are simple static strings that are evaluated before the component is loaded, options attributes specified via : setter, are evaluated as JavaScript expression and can contain any reference to the enclosing component context's data.
That's why, in the example above, string values are enclosed with single quote character ', because otherwise they would get evaluated as a variable name rather than a string value, and a warning would be reported in the console if that variable is not defined.

As another example, the mdl-button component, already introduced in previous chapter, implements the type, class and theme options to customize the appearance of the button:

<mdl-button :type=" 'fab' "
            :class=" 'primary' "
            :theme=" 'deep_purple-indigo' ">

To read passed options, the mdl-button controller is using the method this.options(), that is part of the Context Controller API.

It's also possible to create new option fields that are not declared elsewhere in the component, so in the following example it is possible to create a counter and display the current date without actually writing any controller or script:

<div z-load="default"

     :model:today-date="new Date().toLocaleDateString()">

        <strong #counter @set="model.counter++"
        <span #today-date></span>



The attributes starting with @ in this example, are Active Refresh Handlers and are explained later in this guide.

Component's events

In the ContextOptions object there are four fields for handling component's events:

Loading events can be trapped using the loaded, ready and error option fields, while DOM events, including component's life-cycle and custom events, can be trapped using the on field.

Note that life-cycle events view:create and component:loaded can be only trapped when used from a z-* attribute, because these events are triggered before the component is actually ready and won't work from a : option setter.

Component's options with event handlers
<div z-load="my-component" z-options="opts"></div>


opts = {

  // Event handlers
  on: {

    // standard lifecycle events
    'view:create': function(e, element) {
      // the view has been attached to the host element
    'component:loaded': function(e, element) {
      // the component has been loaded, but it might
      // be waiting for other dependencies before starting   
    'component:ready': function(e, element) {
      // the component is now ready and fully operational
    // custom component events (created with "$.trigger(..)")
    'my-component:event_1': function(e, data) {
      // handle event
    'my-component:event_2': function(e, data) {
      // handle event

    // standard DOM events
    'mouseout': function(e) {
      // component's view mouse-out event
    'click': function(e) {
      // click over component's view
    // ... any other standard event


  // Loader events callbacks
  ready: function(ctx) { // same as 'component:ready' event
    // ctx is the {ComponentContext} object
    // associated to the loaded component
    console.log('Loaded ' + ctx.componentId + ' with contextId = ' + ctx.contextId);

  error: function(err) {
    // component loading error
    console.log('Oh-oh!', err);


View's style

The css option field can be used to disable the loading of the view's .css style file. For instance, this is how the banner in the previous chapter example would look like without CSS file:

<!-- 'links.css' file will not be loaded -->
<div view z-load="examples/links"

The css option can also be used to provide a custom CSS style for the view instance:

<!-- 'links.css' file will not be loaded -->
<div view z-load="examples/links"
my_test_css = `
    :host {
        background-color: whitesmoke;
        padding: 8px;
    a {
        color: darkgreen;


The priority option sets what the components' loading order will be. Its value is a number that can also have negative values. The default value is zero and items with lesser value will get loaded first.

Loading priority can also be set directly on the host element tag through the z-priority attribute.

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Lazy loading

If many components are placed on a page, the lazy-loading feature can be enabled in order to load components only if they are visible in the page's viewport. This will speed up page booting time and increase responsiveness.

Lazy-loading can be automatic or manual.

Automatic — to automatically load components as they scroll into view, set the attribute z-lazy="scroll" on the body element or the element that is actually hosting the scrollbars.

The attribute z-lazy="false" can be added on those child elements that we want to be loaded right away even if they are not in the viewport area yet.

<div class="vertical-scrollable" z-lazy="scroll">
    <!-- the first view will be loaded right away
         because of the 'z-lazy=false' option -->
    <div view z-load="content/preface" z-lazy="false"></div>
    <!-- other views inside the 'z-lazy' scroll container will
         be loaded only as the user scrolls the page down -->
    <div view z-load="content/chapter_01"></div>
    <div view z-load="content/chapter_02"></div>
    <!-- ... --->
    <div view z-load="content/chapter_12"></div>
    <div view z-load="content/appendix"></div>
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Manual — to manually load components that are actually visible in the viewport, set the z-lazy="true" on the container where lazy-loaded elements are hosted. Then zuix.componentize() method must be called in order to check for visible components to load.


Lazy loading can also be set in the component's options using the lazyLoad option field.

With the zuix.lazyLoad(false) method is possible to disable lazy loading at a global level, and a following zuix.componentize() call, will make all components to be loaded in one shot.

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Libraries and theming

zuix.js has an internal, volatile, session store used to store zuix.js configuration, and that can also be used to store any other custom data.

// to store a session object'<object_name>', <object_value>);
// to get a session object
const myStoreObject ='<object_name>');

The store named 'config' is reserved for zuix.js configuration, and it has the following format:'config', {
  // default values
  "resourcePath": "/app/",
  "libraryPath": {
    "@lib": "",
    "@hgui": "",
    "@cdnjs": ""
  // override default config for a given <host_name> 
  "": {
    "resourcePath": "/my_repo/app/",
    "libraryPath": {
      "@lib": "",
      "@hgui": "",
      "@cdnjs": ""

where resourcePath is the default base path when loading components from a relative location, and libraryPath is a list of shortcuts that can be used as prefix in component's <path> to load components from different locations.

This is how the @lib prefix was used in the controller example, as a shortcut to zKit component's library.

This way it's also possible to change a components' set by just changing those paths to another location where components preserve the same files and folders structure.

So, theming become not just a matter of changing styles and graphics, but also a whole set of components and functionality could be customized for a different theme by just pointing to a different library path in zuix.js configuration store.

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