Getting started

See zuix.js in action using the online playground, where is possible to create and download ready to use components directly in the browser!

sports_soccer Playground

Bare library usage on an existing site


As a regular script:

<script src=""></script>

As a module:

<script type="module" src=""></script>

As a dependency of another module:

// file: my-class.module.js
import ''; 


npm install zuix-dist

then copy the library from node_modules/zuix-dist/js to your project's js folder and include it in your HTML page or JavaScript module.

Creating a new web project using the CLI

The zuix-cli tool can be used to create a new web project, the only prerequisite is that node.js must be installed first.

# Create a new website project named 'my-new-webapp'
npx zuix new my-new-webapp

A new folder named my-new-webapp will be created containing all files required to run the starter project.

From the new folder we can now start the local server that will watch, build and serve the web application files (by default at http://localhost:8080).

cd my-new-webapp
npx zuix start

Read more about all other zuix command functionality from zuix-cli documentation page.

About zuix.js
Terms and concepts
GitHub logo
JavaScript library for component-based websites and applications.
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